What is ical link ucsd
What is ical link ucsd

what is ical link ucsd

If you want to disable “EFS Recovery” when a slow link is detected, you could enable “Configure EFS recovery policy processing” and then NOT clicking the “Allow processing across a slow network connection”. I think you can also do it the other way around, all though I haven’t tested it. if I want to enable Folder Redirection even though the link is considered slow, you would configure the “Configure folder redirection policy processing” as shown in the picture above. Here you can configure if a specific feature should be processed, even if a slow link is detected.Į.g. In the Group Policy folder (User/Computer (You might need to change it both places) > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy) there is a lot of settings that are named “Configure x policy processing”. Can I choose to configure if a feature will be applied or not? Here is a table, describing what settings by default will be applied, and those that will not: FeatureĤ. What settings won’t be applied when the link is considered slow? If you change the value to 0, slow link detection will be turned off.ģ.

what is ical link ucsd

User/Computer > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Group Policy > Configure Group Policy slow link detection.

How to change the default 500 kb/s (or disable slow link) The default threshold is 500 kb/s, so any link with throughput below that is considered slow.Ģ. This is done to save bandwidth, and certain settings could slow down the startup process, making it a horrible experience for the end user. ical assumption of approximate unit exponentiality of the residual vector will often not be viable. If the link is considered slow, certain GPO settings will not be applied.

what is ical link ucsd

This is to determine if the link between the client and DC is considered “slow”. Before applying a GPO, the client machine measures the throughput between the client itself and the nearest Domain Controller.

What is ical link ucsd